The T-54 series tanks first appeared in 1949 as replacements for the T-34 tank of World War II. The first T-54 prototype was completed in 1946 with first production beginning in 1947. The T-54 was continuously improved and modified, and, when sufficient changes had been made, the tank was redesignated T-55. The T-55 was introduced in 1958 and incorporates all the refinements and improvements of the fully developed T-54 series without being radically different in design or appearance. The T-55A appeared in the early 1960s. Production continued in the Soviet Union through 1981 and was also undertaken in China (as the Type 59), Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Item No 07284
Item Name T-55 with BTU-55
Bar Code 9580208072845
Scale 1:72
Item Type Static Kit
Model Brief Length: 127mm Width:46.5 mm Height:36.5mm
Total Parts 73pcs
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts n/a
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 5 sprues plus lower hull, upper hull, tracks
Paint Schemes Markings in standard Russian green
Released Date 2009-04
More Features " Summary
The kit consists of 71 parts in light grey plastic ,2 of full length vinyl tracks
- 2-directional slide-moulded lower hull with suspensio"