The MiG-3 was the result of the program to improve the MiG-1.The MiG-3 was ordered into production in December 1940. First deliveries of the new fighter to front line fighter squadrons occurred in April 1941. The MiG-3 remained in series production until the last week of December 1941, when it was discontinued due to the unfortunate unavailability of the AM-35A engine. Total MiG-3 production amounted to some 3120 aircraft, and 50 more were built from available parts during the first half of 1942.
Item No 02831
Item Name Soviet MiG-3 Late Version
Bar Code 9580208028316
Scale 1/48
Item Type Static Aircraft
Model Brief Length: 172.4mm Wingspan:212.22 mm Height: mm
Total Parts 83pcs
Total Sprues 5 sprues
Paint Schemes " 1) Shlopov’s Black 7, Za Stalina, 6 IAP, Moscow front, winter 1941/42
2) White 12 of 7 IAP of Black Sea Fleet, probably 1943
3) MiG-3 AM-38, rou"
Released Date 2008-04
More Features " The kit consists of 76 parts in grey plastic, 7 clear plastic
parts for canopy"