The Cessna A-37 Dragonfly were developed from the T-37 trainer for the military action in Vietnam.A series of new components such as one GAU-2B/A 7.62mm minigun,two drop tanks on the wing tips,three weapon stations under each wing,stronger landing gears and two more powerful J85 engines were applied to the aircraft.
The new A-37A were named by the pilots as 'Super Tweet'.They were send to Vietnam as the 3th Tactical Fighter Group,604th Air Assault Squadron on 17th July,1967.
Item No 02888
Item Name US A-37A Dragonfly Light Ground-Attack Aircraft
Bar Code 9580208028880
Scale 1:48
Item Type Static Kit
Model Brief Length: 203mm Wingspan:241 mm
Total Parts 170+
Metal Parts n/a
Photo Etched Parts 1 piece
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 7 sprues
Released Date 2014-04
More Features The kit consists of over 270 parts ,2 pieces of Photo Etched parts - Details finely represented by newly tooled parts- Rubber tires- matal gun barrel