VRC-105,the most important success of the Centauro, came when the Spanish Army confirmed an order for 22 examples to be assigned to Lusitania 8 Cavalry Regiment. A follow-on order for 62 additional vehicles was issued by the same Army in February 2002 as a confirmation of their enthusiasm for the “Centauro”. The Spanish “Centauro”, named VRC-105 Centauro, bear last batch modifications together with some few ’on demand’ changes: stretched hull, bolted add-on armor on the hull-front, some basket-hung containers on the turret rear, some slightly modified external fittings, repositioned smoke launchers, locally made radio sets and aerials.
Item No 00388
Item Name Spanish Army VRC-105 Centauro RCV
Bar Code 9580208003887
Scale 1:35
Item Type Static Armor
Model Brief Length: 246mm Width: 89.2mm Height:87.5mm
Total Parts 411pcs
Metal Parts Copper cable
Photo Etched Parts two frets photo-etched parts
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 7sprues plus lower hull ,upper hull , turret and eight rubber tyres
Paint Schemes 3 types marking for Spanish Army Centauro armoured cars belonging to the RLAC-9 "Numancia", RLAC-11 " Espana" and RCL-8 "Lusitania" regiments, painte
Released Date 2008-09
More Features " Lower Hull / Suspension
- One-piece multi-slide moulded lower hull with the lower front hull plate a separated part.
- All the underside contours"