Produced until the end of the Second world war (23500 cars), Bf-109G in its number was the most popular model of the Bf-109.The pilots of this machine is noted that a slight increase in speed (achieved by installation of more powerful engine DB-605) has resulted in the overall deterioration of controllability of the car.The Bf 109G went into production in the summer of 1942 and was produced in a pressurized cabin (odd version numbers) and without a pressurized cabin (even numbers).The main modifications were G-1 and G-2 with DB-605A engine, one 20mm cannon and two 7.62 mm machine guns; G-3 and G-4 with modified radio equipment; G-5 and G-6 with more powerful cannon weapons.Armament Me 109G6 - one 15-mm motor mg-151/15 machine gun with 150 rounds of ammunition and two 13-mm synchronous mg-131 machine gun with 150 rounds of ammunition for the machine gun and two 20-mm mg-151/20 guns in gondolas under the wing with 120 rounds of ammunition for the gun.In addition, there were reconnaissance versions of the G-8 and G-10, equipped with 1850-horsepower engine DB-605D and training double G-12.The G-14 was an improved version of the G-6, and the G-16 was an improved version of the G-14. The pressurized cabin on the models, starting with the Bf-109G-6 is not installed.