-The BF109E-3 is a full-scale production type of the Bf109 family that struggled as the main fighter of the German Air Force during World War II, and it was very active on the battlefields such as the invasion of Poland, the battle of France, the Battle of Britain, and E- From the Battle of Britain to the appearance of the F type on 4/7, it was active on all battlefields in Europe, from Norway in the north to North Africa in the south.
-The external features of the E-3 are the rounded old canopy, and the E-4 has been changed to the new square canopy.
-The E-7 was an E-4 long-range fighter type, mostly used in North Africa, with a 20mm nose rifle removed and equipped with a pointed spinner. Also, it is basically the same as E-4 except that a rack that can suspend an additional 300 liter tank is installed under the fuselage.